Yunnan Wu Peiheng Fuyang academic school studio introduction

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1, founder Mr. Wu Peiheng introduction Mr. Wu Peiheng, founder of Wu's Yang Support Therapy, was born in Huili County, Sichuan Province (1888 ~ 1971) and was the first president of Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine。In 1906, he went to the South Street of the county "Lin Chuntang" as an apprentice, by the local famous doctor Mr. Peng Enpu for four years, laid a solid foundation for medical work。 According to the records of Huili County (1994), Peng Enpu was one of more than 20 famous TCM practitioners in the county from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China。"Huili County" cloud: "His life was generous, humble, approachable, frugal, not interested in fame, not close to tobacco and alcohol, leisure time to cultivate flowers and grass to entertain himself, read widely, and learn without fatigue.。After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it took the initiative to merge the store into a joint clinic of traditional Chinese medicine。In 1954, he was elected to the first county People's Congress。The following year, at the age of 89, he was hired as a TCM doctor by the county People's Hospital。He is not afraid of cold and heat, insist on walking to and from work every day, where someone comes to seek medical treatment, never refuse。Wu Peiheng inherited the virtues of his predecessors throughout his life and always maintained the style of a great scholar and a great doctor。 In 1910, at the age of 22, Wu Peiheng returned to his hometown, and he made a secret determination to fight for the cause of traditional Chinese medicine。He did not charge students tuition fees and borrowed money from relatives and friends, and opened a small medicine shop, named "Yongchun Hall", at that time, the capital was only twenty-two silver。 At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the rural economy was backward, the sanitary conditions were extremely poor, the plague was rampant, and all patients relied on traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and cure。According to the Annals of Huili County, "Disease prevention and treatment in urban and rural Huili has always relied on traditional Chinese medicine, which gradually developed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with more and more doctors as practitioners.。Confucian scholars who studied TCM theory and went on to practice medicine were highly respected。In the early period of the Republic of China, Chinese medicine was once developed。According to incomplete statistics, in the second year of the Republic of China (1913), there were 77 Chinese medicine people in the county, operating 14 traditional Chinese medicine Zhuang, 49 traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces shop, and 11 herbal medicine shops。He also said: "During the Republic of China, the epidemic was frequent。According to incomplete statistics, 2099 people died from infectious diseases in the eight years of the Republic of China (1919), and 2004 people died from eight infectious diseases in the ten years of the Republic of China......People are poor and sick, although the medical conditions in Han areas are better, they are limited to cities and towns, and ethnic areas have no medicine and no medicine, and they treat diseases by killing live animals, carving wood, and skipping rope。Wu Peiheng has been practicing medicine in the town for five years, and the consultations are still smooth.。In order to further develop the medical industry, he closed the "Yongchun Hall" in Luchang Town, joined with all his household goods and medicinal materials, and cooperated with others to move into the county to practice medicine。In the Annals of Huili County published in 1994, Wu Peiheng was listed as one of the famous Chinese medicine practitioners in the county from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China。 In the late 1920s, due to the war, Wu Peiheng went south on foot in the winter of 1921 to start a business in Yunnan。On the way to Yunnan, due to frequent wars, the march was difficult。He had to temporarily live in Lufeng County, Yunnan Province, while practicing medicine while waiting for the opportunity。At this time, it coincided with the Yunnan Army general Zhu De (Yilong, Sichuan Province, at that time in the Yunnan Army brigade commander) from Kunming to lead the army through Lufeng, because of a heavy cold to ask Wu Peiheng for treatment。After several doses of medicine, Zhu De's illness greatly reduced, and because he was a fellow Sichuan, he was doubly grateful and trusted to Wu Peiheng。Zhu De talked about the current epidemic of plague in Kunming, inquired about the treatment of diphtheria and scarlet fever, and suggested Wu Peiheng to practice medicine in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province。 After living in Lufeng County for half a year, Wu Peiheng arrived in Kunming in May 1922。At the beginning of his arrival in Kunming, he was allowed to join the Kunming Medical Association, but there was a special person to recover the membership card, and he had to re-declare the doctor's qualification and obtain the practice license。In April 1925, the Kunming government supervised the TCM examination。With the doctor's qualification, Wu Peiheng rented two shops in Kunming City Gan Company Street (now opposite the Wuyi Road Provincial Public Security Department) in May of the same year, and officially began to practice medicine。 Despite his growing popularity, Wu remained modest and cautious。On the one hand, he constantly summarized clinical experience, on the other hand, he concentrated on the study of Zhongjing theory, vigorously advocated the theory of Jingfang, advocated the theory of Yin and Yang as the essence of TCM theory, and the principle of clinical diagnosis and treatment based on syndrome differentiation。In his quest for academic truth, Wu Peiheng broke through some of the old customs and customs of the city at that time, causing great repercussions in the medical field of Yunnan, and continued to cure some of the difficult and serious diseases of the group of doctors, and rose to fame, deeply respected by colleagues in the medical field and the masses。He was elected as the executive member of the Kunming TCM Doctors Association and entered the list of famous doctors in Kunming medical field。 From February 23 to 26, 1929, the Ministry of Health of the National Government of Nanjing held the first Central Health Committee, at which Yu Yunxiu and others proposed the case of Abolishing Old doctors to Remove obstacles to medical health.。Suddenly the public opinion was in an uproar, and the Chinese medicine community across the country reacted extremely strongly and rallied in protest。After hearing the news in Kunming, Wu Peiheng stood up and, together with several fellow practitioners, called a meeting of representatives of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy owners in Kunming, Yunnan Province, to protest the abolition of the traditional Chinese medicine case。He spoke eloquently at the meeting, arousing more than 300 participants' great indignation against the authorities' actions, and sent a protest to the Nanjing government。At the same time, Shanghai also invited Yunnan to select representatives to participate in the National Congress of medical groups held in Shanghai on March 17。It is a pity that the time is too short and the transportation is not convenient for Yunnan Province to send representatives to attend the meeting。The National Conference in Shanghai not only made a serious protest to the government, but also sent representatives to Nanjing to petition and fight face to face。However, a month later, not only did it not withdraw the repeal of the Chinese medicine bill, but it intensified the pressure on the conference delegates, and also introduced some new regulations to restrict Chinese medicine。This triggered a larger scale of resistance in the Chinese medicine community across the country。 In November 1929, Kunming TCM Doctors Association elected Wu Peiheng as a representative to attend the first congress of the National Federation of Medical Organizations in Shanghai。Living up to his trust, Wu Peiheng, with the support of his fellow travelers, overcame all the difficulties and traveled thousands of miles, taking the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway train, traveling to Hekou and Haiphong, then taking a French steamer to Hong Kong, and then arriving in Shanghai, finally in time for the conference held in December。 There were 457 participants from 223 organizations from 17 provinces, Hong Kong, the Philippines and other regions and countries。The large scale of the conference and the wide range of representatives are unprecedented in the history of Chinese traditional medicine。Wu Peiheng made an impassioned speech at the conference。 The conference selected 27 representatives to petition Nanjing, including seven people including Wu Peiheng as the central debate speakers。The representative was received by the Secretary General of the Presidential Office and others。With the support of some Kuomintang elders, the Civil Service of the presidential Office issued a notice revoking the orders of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Central Defense Committee。As the happy news spread, Chinese medicine clinics and pharmacies across the country set off firecrackers to celebrate the victory。 This united struggle has enhanced the mutual understanding and unity of doctors around the country。Wu Peiheng made full use of this opportunity to visit famous people around the country。Fellow practitioners of Chinese medicine in Shanghai believed that Wu Peiheng had a high level of theory (his first work, Selected Clinical Medical Cases, was collected in the National Catalogue of Famous Medical Cases published in 1929), and hoped that he could stay in Shanghai to practice medicine so that he could often exchange medical skills with each other。In Shanghai, Yun, Guizhou, Sichuan three provinces of the same township, also many to retain。After thinking twice, Wu Peiheng also felt that staying in the Oriental metropolis of Shanghai for a period of time could make him knowledgeable, learn from his strengths and improve his medical skills。In addition, he hoped that after some time, he would go to Peiping to discuss the similarities and differences between the two major schools of traditional Chinese medicine in the north and the south。So Wu Peiheng brought his wife and children to Shanghai, settled down and started practicing medicine。 On May 7, 1930, at the 226th meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, President Tan Yan cooperated with Chen Lifu, Jiao Yitang and other seven members of the CPC Central Committee to set up the Central Chinese Medical Center。Jiao Yitang to hire Wu Peiheng as a full-time member。Wu Peiheng did not want to become an official and politely declined。Later hired Lu Yuanlei to take over。 At the end of 1936, the Japanese army invaded China, and the situation was tense, so Wu Peiheng said goodbye to Shanghai, where he had practiced medicine for seven years, and took his family by detour to Hong Kong and Vietnam, returning to Kunming in February 1937。 After Wu Peiheng returned to Kunming, on the west side of the "Recent Building" located in the city center, Wanzhong Street under the ancient city wall, he rented and then purchased an old house of brick pillar and wood structure with three rooms above and below the building。Kuomintang veteran Yu Youren handwritten title book on a black background with gold characters horizontal plaque "Chinese doctor Wu Peiheng Clinic", hanging above the gate。In 1939, he was elected as the chairman of Kunming TCM Doctors Association.In 1942, he established the Yunnan Traditional Chinese Doctors Association and was elected as the chairman of the association.He was also appointed as a member of the examination Committee of Yunnan Provincial Chinese Medicine Examination and the Examination Committee of Yunnan Provincial Chinese Medicine Examination。In order to further promote the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, he founded the "Chinese Medical Weekly" in 1945, which was rich in content and promoted the academic exchange of traditional Chinese medicine at that time。Wu Peiheng in the process of practicing medicine, constantly summing up experience, founded the "Wu's Chinese medicine Yang therapy", famous in the world, still has a greater influence in the Chinese medicine field。 Wu Peiheng is not only a famous Chinese medicine scientist in our country, but also an educator of Chinese medicine and the founder of Chinese medicine education in Yunnan Province。He devoted his life, painstaking efforts, dedication, for his love of the cause of the pursuit of no regrets, selfless dedication。 As early as 1929, when he went to Shanghai to participate in the temporary Congress of the National Medical organizations to protest the abolition of the Chinese medicine bill, he was repeatedly thinking about a question: "How can we fundamentally develop the cause of Chinese medicine??He knew that in order to enable the development of Chinese medicine, only self-reliance, training talents, expanding the team, but also to improve the quality and level of the team。He believes: "If only to repeat the father and son, teachers and apprentices teach each other, whether in quantity or quality, it is difficult to expand the team of Chinese medicine.。In modern times, if Chinese medicine wants to continue to develop, the only way out is to run schools。At that time, traditional Chinese medicine was not only difficult, but also risky, but with Wu Peiheng's personality, everything he looked for was difficult and dangerous, and he had to brave the wind and waves and go forward bravely。After returning to Kunming from Shanghai in 1937, he made extensive contacts with colleagues in the medical field through the Association of Chinese Doctors, raised his own funds, bought his own school property, and campaigned extensively to win the support of the business community and society。In addition to the family's basic living expenses, he donated all his income to the school, and finally opened the first traditional Chinese medicine school in Yunnan Province in 1948 - Yunnan Private Traditional Chinese Medicine College, which opened a precedent for traditional Chinese medicine education in Yunnan Province。Colleagues unanimously nominated Wu Peiheng as president。After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the school was taken over by the Municipal Health Bureau, offering Chinese medicine training classes, and later became a Chinese medicine training school。 Wang Zhihan, former deputy director of Kunming Health Bureau, in a collection of cultural and historical data of Panlong District, Kunming.The seventh edition (December 1992) wrote in the memory article: "In 1950, after the provincial health Minister Wang Gangbo and I visited Wu Peiheng, Chen Fang, the minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, asked me to mobilize Wu Peiheng to become the deputy director of the provincial health Department, but he politely declined。He said that he would only like to do teaching work and cultivate more talents for the society, which is his lifelong desire。Later, Wu Peiheng was appointed as the vice president of the Yunnan School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the principal of the Yunnan School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the president of the Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and has been pursuing his lifelong goal until his death。 In 1958, the school launched the "work-study" and "Treasure offering" activities。Wu Peiheng presided over the establishment of a pharmaceutical factory, not only donated a number of his own prescriptions, but also donated his pharmaceutical tools at home, and won the "engineering brand" trademark registration certificate, and officially produced "cold effect powder", "No. 1 stomach medicine" and other proprietary Chinese medicines。Pharmaceutical companies on the one hand can accept students work-study, but also become a rare teaching practice base。After the establishment of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the affiliated hospital, Wu Peiheng, who is in his 70s, still insisted on going out to the clinic and personally taking students for clinical practice。 Wu Peiheng led the modern college TCM education, but also attached great importance to the traditional teacher education. He believed that according to the theoretical system of TCM and the characteristics of diagnosis and treatment as well as the regularity of TCM education itself, learning TCM should be inherited, and school education and family inheritance should not be neglected and should complement each other。He advocated that famous doctors lead students and teach students according to their aptitude;It is advocated that the study of Chinese medicine should remember the classics, understand the heart, learn more with the teacher's clinical evidence, hear and see, improve understanding, establish ideas, learn methods, and grasp the essence。Because some of the thinking and diagnosis and treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine must be repeatedly and seriously understood。Many methods of diagnosis and treatment need the guidance of a famous teacher。 In the early 1960s,Wu Peiheng asked the five sons Wu Shengyuan and the eldest granddaughter Wu Ronghua (Wu Hua) who just graduated from the College of Western Medicine to stay in the college of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Culture in two ways,Supported by the first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee at that time: "In the future,Wu Lao's children and grandchildren graduated several,Just a few,Want them to carry on Wu Lao's business。Later, due to changes in the situation, it was no longer possible to carry out the secretary's instructions。In 1964, Wu Peiheng's second grandson, Wu Rongzu, was admitted to Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine。In addition to letting his grandson in school, Wu Peiheng also used his rest time to personally "start a small kitchen" for him, which was crucial to Wu Rongzu's later growth。His son Wu Shengyuan, granddaughter Wu Ronghua (Wu Hua), grandson Wu Rongzu also grew up to become famous Chinese medicine in China and the province, and became the main heirs of Wu Peiheng's academic thought。 1961年,Wu Peiheng gave an inscription to the graduating students of Yunnan School of Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Academic development is to progress,Science is endless,Now the students are finished,But you should always learn with an open mind,Accept new scientific knowledge,Enrich their knowledge,Establish the right new view of service,Serve the people wholeheartedly。It shows his expectation for the successor of traditional Chinese medicine。 In order to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between Chinese and Western medicine, Wu Peiheng actively advocated and promoted Western medicine to learn Chinese medicine。In the 1950s, he was in the classroom, enthusiastically for the provincial health Department held each "Western medicine separation learning Chinese medicine class" teaching and students practice。Professor Li Nianxiu of Kunming Medical College, a famous expert in Western medicine in France who participated in the first study class, recalled: "Old Wu's style of study is rigorous and realistic, and his lectures are simple and profound, and he is a good teacher。” In October 1985, the Biography of Chinese Modern Famous Doctors, which was edited by Huang Shuze, then Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health, and edited by Ren Yingqiu, vice president of the All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was published in Beijing。The book introduces the life, medical ethics and academic thoughts of 44 famous doctors in China. Wu Peiheng is one of the selected famous doctors。In the book, "Editor's Words" simply explains: "This book is based on medical celebrities who have the first-class level in our country and have a greater influence in the world in the 20th century......The list of famous doctors in this book was decided by the editorial board after repeated deliberation and discussion。This is the affirmation and evaluation of Wu Peiheng's life by the motherland, the people and his peers。 2. Introduction of the second generation representative inheritors Wu Shaoheng, named Yongyuan, the eldest son of Mr. Wu Peiheng, is the first generation academic heir of Yunnan Wu's Fuyang academic school。The first year of the Republic of China (1912 AD - 1968) was born in Red Yanzi, Luchang Township, Huili County, Sichuan Province。Because of Mr. Paheng's reputation at the time,Before liberation, he was blackmailed by the national government of the old society,After liberation, he suffered the havoc of the Cultural Revolution,Mr. Shaoheng pretending to be the eldest son,Every time I saw my father suffer,All come forward,Take the father's punishment,Under the ordinary people can not imagine the pressure and destruction,But even in this harsh political and social environment,Still insist on learning Chinese medicine,Under the inheritance of the family's love and responsibility for the cause of TCM,Following in the footsteps of his father, Mr. Paheng,Continue to carry forward Wu's academic school of supporting Yang,For the majority of the toiling masses of the rescue,It has achieved good curative effect and reputation。However, due to the huge pressure and years of overwork illness, unfortunately in more than 50 years old due to a large number of cerebral hemorrhage unconditional treatment and died。A good doctor who saved countless patients by himself did not have the conditions to treat himself when he was sick and in need of treatment, which was really the tragedy of that era!Therefore, my grandfather Mr. Wu Shaoheng's special background at that time and his early death did not leave a record of his medical practice。At that time, Mr. Wu Peiheng had a high prestige in the TCM community in Yunnan and even in the whole country, and he was busy with the management affairs of Yunnan College of TCM and the efforts to revitalize Yunnan TCM in the whole country. Coupled with his advanced age, he had less time to visit and see patients in person。Therefore, the task of clinical diagnosis is basically undertaken by grandfather Mr. Wu Shaoheng, and Mr. Shaoheng also shoulders the responsibility of raising the whole family (a wife and countless children), so it is tired for years。However, no matter how difficult the family is, Mr. Shaoheng, grandfather, is exempt from medical fees for every patient with poor family conditions when he is in the clinic, and even when the patient cannot afford the medical expenses, he also takes the initiative to give generously and use his own savings to buy medicine as a gift to the patient。Because the curative effect is very good, so a continuous stream of patients, open at 7 o 'clock every morning, often have to see a doctor until 3 o 'clock in the afternoon, can go home with half a bowl of old broad beans to satisfy hunger。If the patient is not able to cook the supplement, he or she should cook the supplement personally and taste it to determine its safety before giving it to the patient。The spirit quality of its great doctors is full of sincerity。 Chen Juxian, Mr. And Mrs. Wu Shaoheng, deputy chief physician of the Internal medicine Department of Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the first generation academic heir of Yunnan Wu Fuyang academic school, a member of the China Democratic League, was born in a small handicraft family on February 14, 1917。Her father opened a small department store to make a living. Due to the large population in her family, her life was very tight. When Chen Juxian was 11 years old in primary school, she did some needlework and took it to the store to sell some money to buy books, pens and other stationery。When she was 17 years old, her father died shortly after graduating from high school in Kunhua Girls' Middle School, and the family's economic difficulties could not continue to go to university for further study, so she had to go out to make a living, teaching in Anning Hot Spring Primary School, getting 20 yuan a month, in addition to her own life, but also for her sister to study。     In 1938, she married Wu Shaoheng, the eldest son of the famous Chinese medicine Wu Peiheng, and lived a happy and happy life. She was devoted to her in-laws, husband and children, and housework. Although there were many chores, she did not forget to learn some skills。Every day, when I help Mr. Wu Peiheng tidy up the consulting room, grind ink and lay paper, I carefully observe old Wu's diagnosis, listen to old Wu's consultation and analysis of the patient's condition。Wu Lao saw this daughter-in-law diligent and studious, decided to teach her to learn medicine, and took some books of traditional Chinese medicine to show her。Chen Juxian did her chores during the day, followed old Wu to see a doctor, and took care of the children at night before going to study traditional Chinese medicine classics until late at night。She wrote very good calligraphy, Wu Lao asked her to copy classic Chinese medicine works, she copied a Zhang Zhongjing "on Typhoid Fever" is not only a classical masterpiece, but also a beautiful calligraphy art。Because she studied hard, intelligent, famous teacher guidance, obtain the true legend, soon able to help prescribe medical treatment, into the palace of traditional Chinese medicine。     After liberation, she was not satisfied with the well-off life of her family, and decided to take the road of self-reliance for women. In 1950, she went to the "private Kunming Pingzheng Accounting School" to study, and after graduation, she stayed in the school to teach, and returned home to continue studying traditional Chinese medicine under the guidance of Wu Lao。     In 1958, Kunming Health Bureau concentrated a group of provincial and municipal Chinese medicine masters to open a Chinese medicine college, enrolled more than 20 students, and Chen Juxian also took the Chinese medicine class of this college。She was now 41, a mother of five and the oldest student in her class。The teachers of the college are Wu Peiheng, Yao Zhenbai, Dai Lishan, Kang Chengzhi, Yao Zhongkui and other famous Chinese medicine teachers, the quality of teaching is very high, Chen Juxian originally had some basic Chinese medicine, coupled with her study hard, excellent results, after graduation was left to work in Kunming Chinese Medicine Hospital。In medical practice,Study TCM classics hard,Careful examination,Comprehensive analysis,Treatment based on syndrome differentiation,Inherit and carry forward Wu Peiheng's academic school of TCM Yang support,Rational, clever, bold application of tablets,It has achieved remarkable curative effect in the treatment of common diseases in Chinese medicine, gynecology, pediatrics and difficult critical diseases,Won the majority of patients and fellow members of the recognition and praise。She is serious and responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of patients, patient and meticulous, and the treatment effect is good, a lot of people come to see her every day, but also a lot of students and doctors, training a large number of Chinese medicine talents for the country。Because of her noble character, good work performance and high prestige among the masses, she has been rated as an advanced worker, the best doctor, the advanced spiritual civilization and one of the ten news figures since the 1960s。He was a member of the sixth, seventh and eighth sessions of the Kunming CPPCC。Twice named Kunming Democratic League advanced alliance member。     Chen Juxian loved the Communist Party, loved the socialist motherland, loved the medical cause of the motherland, was an important successor and pioneer of the Wu school of medicine, and made significant contributions to the Chinese medicine industry。He worked in the clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine until he was 70 years old。Dr. Chen Juxian passed away on October 5, 2009 at the age of 93。 Wu Yuanhui, the eldest daughter of Wu Peiheng, from 1928 to 1988, was the founder of Changchun Hospital of Panlong District, the former member of the Panlong Political Advisory Committee, the chief physician of Traditional Chinese medicine, and a professor. She was deeply inherited by her father Wu Peiheng, and was influenced by the classic theory and diagnosis of Chinese medicine with her father when she was young。He has been reviving the dead in TCM clinical practice for decades, flexibly applying TCM prescription theory in practice, combined with rich clinical experience, and insisting on clinical front-line work for more than 30 years。 Wu Shengyuan, the son of Wu Peiheng。CPC member,教授,Former president of the Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Famous Chinese medicine of Yunnan Province,The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine recognized as the national guidance teacher for the inheritance of academic experience of traditional Chinese medicine experts,In 2006, he won the first national special Contribution Award for the academic inheritance of famous old Chinese medicine,Enjoy special government subsidies of The State Council,Professor Wu Shengyuan was enlightened by his father,I read introductory books on Chinese medicine since I was a child,13岁时,Wu Shengyuan suffered from enteric typhoid fever,At one point, his life was in danger。At the critical moment, it was his father Wu Peiheng who saved Wu Shengyuan's young life with Chinese medicine, which had a profound impact on young Wu Shengyuan。"I was born in a Chinese medicine family, my father Wu Peiheng is a famous Chinese medicine scientist, my uncle, brother and sister-in-law all follow my father to practice medicine, the whole family no matter what disease, is my father treated with Chinese medicine.。I grew up in such a family environment, and gradually became familiar with or understood Chinese medicine。After the recovery of enterotyphoid fever, my respect for my father was further enhanced, and I believed in traditional Chinese medicine treatment even more. Since then, I have been determined to be a doctor and want to be a good doctor like my father。  When Wu Shengyuan graduated from high school in 1955, because there were no undergraduate colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine in China at that time, his father also supported him to study at the Medical School of Yunnan University (now renamed Kunming Medical University), and transferred from the enlightenment education of traditional Chinese medicine to the system to receive five years of modern medical education。When he graduated from university in 1960, Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established, which coincided with the national policy of implementing Western medicine learning Traditional Chinese medicine, and Wu Shengyuan was selected as the academic successor of Wu Peiheng and followed his father to systematically study traditional Chinese medicine。Under the guidance of his father, he thoroughly comprehended his father's academic thoughts and clinical experience。Subsequently, he studied Chinese medicine in Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine system for 3 years, read ancient and modern medical classics, and frequently adopted the best of all families。 "With my father's presence for many years, under his teachings, I gradually became familiar with and mastered the experience and rules of Wu's clinical application of aconite。Wu Shengyuan extensively referred to relevant research literature on the basis of summarizing the experience of predecessors,He wrote and published an article on the Pharmacology and Clinical Application of Aconite,From theory to practice, the experience and advantages of Wu's application of aconite are summarized,It adds rational and perceptual understanding to the discussion of the theory of supporting Yang in traditional Chinese medicine,And passed it on to his students and academic heirs。 In years of practical work,Wu Shengyuan combines modern medicine and experimental methodology,To carry out research based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and empirical experience inherited from parents,Developed "Juanbi Granule", "Tongfengxiao Granule" and "gout cleaning agent",Approved by Yunnan Food and Drug Administration,Made into the hospital preparation of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,It has been widely used in more than 90 units of Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Group for more than 20 years,Remarkable curative effect,It is welcomed by the majority of patients and medical staff。   Wu Shengyuan is good at using Sini generation and Guizhitang, and has remarkable curative effect in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatism, spleen and stomach diseases, senile diseases, cough and other diseases. He has his own unique experience in the diagnosis and treatment of Yang deficiency Yin cold syndrome. He is good at the clinical application of aconite and has certain influence in the academic circle of Chinese medicine, and is renowned as the "second generation Aconite of Wu".。   Wu Shengyuan in more than 50 years of clinical work, follow the "heavy medical ethics, more serious character;Medicine is the art of Ren people, the principle of true kindness ", always take the patient as the center, will help the living and accumulate good deeds as their life's work。He told us that the reason why he has been able to insist on this is also under the guidance and influence of his father Wu Peiheng。He said, "My father and mentor Wu Peiheng has always been committed to curing diseases and saving lives, taking care of all patients every day, refusing everything, and never doing anything carelessly。No matter how high or low they are, they are all carefully treated, they are not obsequious to the obvious, and they are not tired of the common people。Encountering poor and unfunded people, in addition to free medical fees, they often give medicine fees, and even urge patients to take medicine in person for difficult and severe cases。Some patients lacked experience in decocting aconite, so he gave patient guidance and even tried it himself before letting patients take it。Wu Shengyuan often said to students: "To be a teacher, example is more important than words.。And taught students: "The doctor should be humane, the doctor should treat every patient equally, regard the patient as his own relatives and friends, and think that the patient's pain relief is his responsibility.。”   For more than 50 years, Professor Wu Shengyuan has carefully cultivated a large number of successors。In 1996, Wu Shengyuan was recognized by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the second batch of national traditional Chinese medicine experts to inherit the academic experience of the instructor。As the second generation descendant of Yunnan Wu Peiheng's academic school of supporting Yang,He cultivated Peng Jiangyun, Wu Yang, Xiao Hong, Wu Yongxin 4 academic schools of the third generation,Four of them have been promoted to chief physician,He was the academic leader, vice president and director of the department of TCM, Rheumatology, pulmonary diseases and cardiovascular diseases in Yunnan Province。In 2011, Wu Shengyuan was once again identified by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the fifth batch of national traditional Chinese medicine experts to inherit the academic experience of the instructor, training Chen Yanlin, Zhao Changguo two academic heirs。At the same time, over the years, a total of more than 100 Chinese medicine workers inside and outside the province have also studied with him, and most of them have become local discipline leaders or technical backbone。 Wu Shengyuan edited and printed many of Wu Peiheng's academic manuscripts,For example, "The treatment of Stroke", "the treatment of cough", "the treatment of dysentery", "The relationship between the heart and kidney of the Motherland and the spleen and stomach of the day after tomorrow", "the Top Ten Chinese Medicine managers",Assisted in compiling "New Notes on Febrile Disease" and "Brief Introduction to Medicine",He has published "Measles Outbreaks" and "Wu Peiheng's Medical Case",So that Wu Peiheng's academic thought and experience can be left to future generations。   In 2009, Wu Shengyuan Famous Doctor Studio was awarded "the first National Advanced Doctor Studio" by the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine;In 2011, it was funded by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine "National Famous Old Chinese Medicine Inheritance Studio Construction Project"。In 2013, Wu Peiheng Fuyang Academic School Studio was approved and funded by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became the first Chinese academic school studio construction unit in the country。The establishment of Wu Shengyuan Famous Medicine Studio and Wu Peiheng Fuyang Academic School Studio has laid a good foundation for further inheriting and innovating Wu Peiheng Fuyang academic theory and practice, enriching and improving TCM theory, exploring new TCM suitable diagnosis and treatment techniques, and cultivating high-quality TCM talents and a new generation of famous TCM。   Wu Shengyuan is concerned about the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and has offered suggestions for the construction of traditional Chinese medicine institutions and the legislation of traditional Chinese medicine for many times, participated in the formulation of the Regulations on the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Yunnan Province and the Standards of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials in Yunnan Province, and guided the construction of the discipline of ethnic medicine。He has worked as an expert of the National 21st Century Dai Medical Undergraduate Education planning Textbooks Academic Committee, a consultant of Yunnan Laoji Medical Care Knowledge, a consultant for the development of natural pharmaceutical industry of Chuxiong Prefecture People's Government, and a consulting expert for drug safety monitoring and reevaluation in Yunnan Province, etc., contributing to the development of traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine。 1985年,Elected as a delegate to the Fourth Party Congress of Yunnan Province;The year 1990,Member of the Standing Committee of Yunnan Science and Technology Association;In 1992, he served as vice president of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society.The year 1994,The State Council awarded the honorary award of professional and technical personnel with outstanding contributions,Enjoy special government allowances;The year 1996,He was named as the famous Chinese medicine in Yunnan Province and was recognized by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the guiding teacher of the second batch of old Chinese medicine experts to inherit the academic experience,He also served as the chairman of the evaluation committee for the academic experience inheritance of the second batch of old Chinese medicine experts in Yunnan Province;The year 1996,He served as the director and vice president of the fifth Council of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society;The year 1997,Elected as a member of the third Council of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine;The year 1999,He was the chairman of the Professional Committee of Internal Medicine of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society.The year 2006,Won the "Special Contribution Award" of the first Chinese Medicine Inheritance by the Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine,He served as the instructor of "Young and Middle-aged Famous Chinese Medicine Project" of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and honorary Vice president of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society。 3. Introduction of the third generation representative inheritors 吴华,Granddaughter of Wu Pei Heng,教授,Chief physician,Former director of Yunnan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Former director of Teaching and Research Department of Chinese Medicine, Kunming Medical College,Former Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital,"Jiu SAN Society" Yunnan provincial Party Committee former deputy director,Former Standing Committee of CPPCC of Yunnan Province, former Vice president of Yunnan Women Doctors Association,Enjoy special government subsidies of The State Council。 Wu Rongzu,The legitimate grandson of Wu Pei Heng,教授,Chief physician,Doctoral supervisor,,The fifth batch of national famous old Chinese medicine doctors guide teachers,The first Chinese famous doctor in Yunnan Province,Famous Chinese medicine of Yunnan Province,Kunming City honorary TCM,Kunming has outstanding contributions to outstanding professional and technical personnel, Kunming area top 100 health workers, Kunming City's first academic technology leader。He is the direct grandson of Mr. Wu Peiheng, the third generation academic heir of Yunnan Wu's Fuyang School, and the representative inheritor of Fuyang academic school。He has served as a deputy to the 10th and 11th Kunming People's Congress, president of Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and director of Kunming Medical Science Research, and was selected into the high-level talent pool of the Organization Department of Kunming Municipal Committee。He has been engaged in TCM clinical, teaching and scientific research for more than 50 years, and has collected the great achievements of Yunnan Wu's Fuyang Academic school of medicine. He is the executive chairman of the organizing committee of "Fuyang Forum", the authoritative academic conference of national Fuyang academic school of Chinese Medicine。Won a number of national, provincial and municipal outstanding talent titles。He is a visiting professor of Chinese medicine universities in many provinces。At present, he is a visiting professor and lifelong consultant of many Chinese medicine institutes in Europe and North America。 Professor Wu Rongzu has a family background and has been trained by his family since childhood。After graduating from Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1968, he has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine for 53 years。Academically, he had a deep understanding of the thought of supporting Yang, and inherited and carried forward Wu Peiheng's thought of attaching importance to the Yang qi of the human body's first heaven, heart and kidney。Wu Peiheng is well aware of Wu Peiheng's way of making good use of aconites, widely using them and skillfully using aconites in clinic, which is quite the style of his grandfather Wu Peiheng。At the same time, the author carries forward the principle of Wu's school of supporting Yang, and puts forward that in the complicated diseases such as Yang deficiency and Yin cold, deficiency and accumulation, and true winter vacation heat, the author pays more attention to "Yang dense but solid", so as to achieve the "sanctity" state of "Yin Pingyang dense"。In the specific treatment process, make good use of the warm Yang Fuzheng Dafa, pay attention to "lifting three Yin" and "leveling three Yang" at the same time。It has a unique experience in the treatment of diseases of lung, spleen, heart, kidney and liver and gallbladder system in TCM, and has a wide range of patients in, women, children and outside。In the clinical application of aconite as the king medicine and the etiology and pathogenesis of Sanyin Cold transformation syndrome in "On Febrile Diseases", we have a deep understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of Sanyin Cold transformation syndrome, for all kinds of difficult and critical stage of clinical syndrome of Sanyin cold transformation syndrome type, we can use Yang to suppress Yin as a great method, and cure a large number of difficult and critical patients。 He won the third prize of Yunnan Health Science and Technology Achievement Award once, the third prize of Kunming Science and Technology Award Science and Technology Progress Award 4 times, and 5 invention patents。 Peng Jiangyun,He is the heir of Professor Wu Shengyuan's academic experience,教授,Chief physician,Doctoral supervisor,Yunling famous doctor,Famous Chinese medicine of Yunnan Province,Leading talents of traditional Chinese medicine in Yunnan Province,Former Vice president of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Enjoy special government subsidies of The State Council,The sixth batch of Chinese medicine academic experience inheritance work guidance teachers,Wu's representative inheritor of Fuyang academic school,Yunnan Wu Peiheng Fuyang academic school studio head。He was formerly Vice president of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,It is the national clinical research base of traditional Chinese medicine, the national pilot project of TCM and Western Medicine Cooperation for major difficult diseases, the national regional TCM diagnosis and treatment center, the national clinical key specialty, the key discipline of Traditional Chinese medicine arthralgia of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Department of Rheumatology of the key TCM specialty, the discipline leader of the Traditional Chinese Medicine base of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine continuing Education base, and the national drug clinical trialHead of rheumatology branch base of TCM Research base。He is also the vice president of the Rheumatology Branch of the World Federation of Chinese and Medical Sciences.Vice Chairman, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Branch,Honorary Vice Chairman, Rheumatology Branch;Vice Chairman of Rheumatology Branch of Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine;Vice President of Rheumatology Branch of Chinese Society of Ethnic Medicine,National Natural Science and Technology Foundation project evaluation experts, etc。 From 1997 to 2000,Under the guidance of the second batch of famous old Chinese medicine experts academic experience inheritance work, Professor Wu Shengyuan, a famous Chinese medicine in Yunnan Province,Wu's academic heritage,He has accumulated rich clinical experience in learning and inheriting the academic theory and practice of Fuyang,Good at the use of aconite, laurel branch treatment rheumatism,In the domestic professional field has a high reputation and influence。 He has been engaged in clinical, scientific research, teaching and management of Chinese medicine for 38 years,It is guided by Wu Peiheng's academic thought of supporting Yang,Scientific and technological research has been carried out around the key technologies of "warming Yang and clearing collars for rheumatoid arthritis", "clearing heat and clearing collars for gout arthritis", TCM syndrome, efficacy level, mechanism of action and safety,It systematically solved the problems concerning the theoretical basis, clinical efficacy, safety, innovative preparations and scientific connotation of "treating rheumatoid arthritis by combining Yang deficiency and evil" and "treating gouty arthritis by staging spleen deficiency and dampness",It is proved that "Yang qi deficiency" is the root of rheumatoid and arthritis in Yunnan,Spleen deficiency and dampness obstruction is the root cause of gout in Yunnan Province,"Damp-heat accumulation" is the main type of gout in acute stage, and "spleen deficiency and dampness obstruction" is the main type of gout in intermittent stage。The TCM diagnosis and treatment plan of "warming Yang Tongluo method treating rheumatoid arthritis" and "spleen deficiency and dampness blocking stage treating gout" was established, and the basic prescriptions "Qingre Tongluo prescription and Jianpi Qingshi dampness prescription" were established, and their effectiveness and safety in the treatment of gout were verified。Together with Professor Wu Shengyuan, he developed Juanbi granules, Hanbixiao patch, gout cleaning solution, urate cleanser, etc., which have been clinically applied in units of Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Group for more than 20 years, significantly improving the clinical prevention and treatment level of rheumatism。 It has undertaken more than 20 scientific research projects at the national and provincial levels,Obtained 4 national invention patents,1 second prize of Science and Technology Award of Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yunnan Province Science and Technology Progress Award 1 first prize, 3 third prizes,Yunnan Province Health Science and technology achievement Award 2 second prizes,6 third prizes;He edited and participated in the compilation of 25 books,He has published more than 200 papers,More than 50 graduate students have been trained。 4. Introduction of the fourth generation representative inheritors Wu Wendi, Wu Peiheng's great-grandson, deputy chief physician of Traditional Chinese medicine, associate professor, master tutor, the fifth batch of national famous traditional Chinese medicine Wu Rongzu academic successor, national traditional Chinese medicine innovation backbone talent, Yunnan Province outstanding young traditional Chinese medicine。Now working in Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine spleen stomach liver disease department。 Main research experience: I graduated from Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2001 with a bachelor's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2012, I was selected as the fifth batch of academic inheritors of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I graduated from Professor Wu Rongzu in 2016 and obtained a master's degree in clinical medicine from Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the same year。He has been working in Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 2001, and is now the deputy chief physician of splenic, gastric and Hepatology Department of Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine。 Academic position:He is the master tutor of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the academic successor of the fifth batch of national famous old Chinese medicine doctors, the backbone talents of national traditional Chinese medicine innovation, the traditional Chinese medicine culture touring expert of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the training object of Yunnan Excellent Young Chinese Medicine, the discipline leader of Spleen and Stomach diseases of Yunnan High-level Chinese Medicine talents, and the well-known province of Kunming Health Committee's "Ten hundred thousand" projectExpert training object。At present, he is the chairman of the Youth TCM Working Committee of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society, the deputy chairman of the Academic School Inheritance Professional Committee of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society, the deputy chairman of the Professional Committee of Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine of Yunnan Medical Association, the youth member of the Spleen and Stomach Diseases Professional Committee of China Chinese Medicine Society, the standing member of the spleen and Stomach Diseases Professional committee of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society, and the Yunnan ProvinceMember of the hematology Branch of the Medical Association。 Academic status: Engaged in TCM clinical, teaching and research work for 20 years,He has rich clinical experience,He is the son of Mr. Wu Peiheng, a famous Chinese medicine scientist in Yunnan, an educator of Chinese medicine, the first of the four famous doctors in Yunnan, and a heavyweight in the national Fuyang academic school,He is the fourth generation descendant and the third generation academic successor of Yunnan Wu's Fuyang academic school,Associate Professor Wu Wenty's academic thought and clinical effect of Yang support in TCM are in a leading position in the whole province。 Academic ideological characteristics: fully inherit the academic characteristics of Fuyang by Mr. Wu Peiheng, the head of the four famous doctors in Yunnan Province, and Professor Wu Rongzu, the first famous Chinese medical teacher in Yunnan Province,To "Yang master Yin from chin 'an,Support Yang Yin Chengpei balance;The differentiation of syndrome is especially serious,No cure has been cured;Really winter vacation hot consideration,Disease response is clear in the heart;Yang tight gas nachan water temperature,Latent Yang seal pulp vital root solid;Temperature rise ebony qi smooth,Equal treatment of body and mind is effective;Fire safety in the phase of Jin and Yang,Ascending main descending from the circle。As the framework of six academic thoughts, the complete and systematic application of Yunnan Wu's academic thoughts of supporting Yang in clinical practice has a remarkable effect。 Li Zhaofu, Tujia, M.D., Professor, chief physician, doctoral supervisor/postdoctoral co-supervisor;Young and middle-aged academic and technical leaders in Yunnan Province, Yunnan Province "ten thousand people plan" famous doctor (Yunling famous doctor), Yunnan Province Chinese medicine leading talent, the famous Chinese medicine scientist Wu Peiheng Fuyang academic school of the fourth generation of the main successor。He is currently the Dean of School of Basic Medicine, Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Academician (expert) Workstation of Yunnan Province - Wang Qingguo Expert working station, head of Key Laboratory of Rheumatology and Immunology of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Universities of Yunnan Province;The First Affiliated Hospital (Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) National clinical key specialty rheumatology center academic heir;National regional TCM (specialty) diagnosis and treatment center, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM BI key discipline reserve discipline leader;Head of the National Clinical Research Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the national pilot clinical cooperation between Chinese and Western medicine and the Clinical Medical Research Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Rheumatism) in Yunnan Province。He is also a standing member of the Rheumatology Branch of the Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and the chairman of the rheumatology special Committee of the Yunnan Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine。 In research and academic,Adhering to the academic thought of Fuyang Wu Peiheng, a famous Chinese medicine scientist, and the academic thought of Professor Fan Yongsheng, the chief scientist of 973 Chinese medicine,Combined with Yunnan region and rheumatic disease characteristics,The academic theory and diagnosis and treatment method of Wu's Yang deficiency and Fan Yongsheng's poison stasis deficiency are systematically introduced into the field of clinical rheumatic disease prevention and treatment,It has enriched and perfected the theory and clinical practice of "Yin-yang theory" of TCM。In clinical practice,The research focuses on the prevention and treatment of the dominant diseases in the field of rheumatology: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren's syndrome (SS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA),It organically combines the academic thought research, literature, epidemiology, basic experiment and clinical research of famous old Chinese medicine,The theoretical basis, efficacy and safety of "nourishing Yin and detoxifying" for SLE, "nourishing Yin and activating blood" for SS, "warming Yang and clearing collateral" for RA, and "supplementing qi and nourishing blood" for OA were discussed from multiple angles and levels,And in clinical application,The clinical efficacy of SLE, SS, RA, OA and other rheumatic diseases was significantly improved。 He has been engaged in medical teaching and research of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated Chinese and Western medicine for more than 20 years,Have a strong ability to solve difficult and complex problems in the profession,Familiar with new technologies and research frontiers in this field,He has unique insights and rich clinical experience in rheumatism theory, diagnosis and treatment technology research,The treatment of difficult and critical rheumatism has remarkable effect。In recent years, he has presided over nearly 10 research projects at the national and provincial levels (including 2 key projects at the provincial and ministerial levels), and participated in more than 20 projects at the national and provincial levels。He has published more than 140 papers and 14 books and textbooks。 Jiang Liyun, Ph.D., Chief physician, doctoral supervisor of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, master supervisor of Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine。Director of Spleen, Stomach and Liver Disease Department of Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, national 38 red flag bearer, Yunnan million people plan - famous doctor, Yunnan Province famous Chinese medicine, enjoy the special allowance of Yunnan Province government experts, Kunming City has outstanding contributions to excellent professional and technical personnel。The second group of outstanding TCM clinical talents in China,The country's fifth batch of old Chinese medicine experts academic experience heirs,The second national 100 outstanding Young Chinese medicine,The 11th batch of young and middle-aged academic technology leaders in Kunming,The first national Outstanding Contribution Award for Outstanding Youth in the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine,The second national excellent Chinese Medicine Health Messenger,The second outstanding Young TCM practitioners in Yunnan Province,Kunming domestic well-known experts training objects,Kunming first batch, the second batch of Chinese medicine academic inheritance work instructor。We are standing Committee member of Spleen and Stomach Diseases Branch of Chinese Society of Chinese Medicine, Standing Director of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society, Vice Chairman of Spleen and Stomach Diseases Branch of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society and Spleen, Stomach, Liver and Gall Branch of Women Doctors Association。He has won the second and third prizes of provincial and municipal science and technology progress for 9 times, the Kunming Patent Award for 1 time, the patent certificate issued by the State Patent Office for 5 times, and the academic papers won the first and second prizes of the academic annual meeting of the Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society。He has published more than 100 academic papers and edited 8 books。 Jingjin Wu, Ph.D., master tutor, deputy director of Research, Rheumatology Center, Yunnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Yunnan Province traditional Chinese medicine discipline reserve talents,Attending physician;Young Member of the Rheumatic Diseases Committee of Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine;Youth Member of Academic Schools Inheritance Branch, Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Director of Rheumatology Branch of Chinese Society of Ethnic Medicine;Vice Chairman of the Special Committee on Rheumatic Diseases of Yunnan Association of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine;Standing Member of Academic Schools Inheritance Committee of Yunnan Chinese Medicine Society;Backbone member of the scientific and technological innovation Team of TCM Prevention and Treatment of rheumatism in universities of Yunnan Province;Presided over and completed a regional project of the National Natural Science Foundation, a provincial and ministerial project, and two departmental projects;Currently, it has participated in 1 national research project of traditional Chinese medicine industry and 2 key R&D projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the 11th Five-Year Plan,Published 48 academic papers,Associate editor and editor of 6 books;Won 1 first prize of Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award;1 second prize of Science and Technology Award of China Association of Chinese Medicine;Second prize and third prize of health science and technology achievements in Yunnan Province;Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, gout, Sjogren's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, polymyositis (dermatomyositis), osteoarthritis and other rheumatic immune diseases。 In Mr. Wu Peiheng's family, there are not only many people engaged in medical career, but also a wide range of disciplines。There are eight of Wu Peiheng's children studying medicine;Seventeen grandchildren studied medicine;Of the great-grandchildren, five are now studying medicine。Except traditional Chinese medicine,The family also includes Western medicine cardiology, neurology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, urology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, infectious diseases and other famous Western medicine professors and experts more than ten,Three young doctors,Has made positive contributions to the medical profession in our country,To be a true medical family。  

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