Information disclosure

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2023年度部门决算



Part one  Unit profile

I. Main functions

Ii. Basic Information of the unit

Part two  2023Annual department statement

1. Final statement of income and expenditure

Final statement of income

3. Final statement of expenditure

4. Financial allocation收入支出决算总表

五、General public budget financial allocations收入支出决算表

六、General public budget financial allocations基本支出决算表

七、General public budget financial allocations项目支出决算表

八、政府性基金预算Financial appropriation收入支出决算表

九、国有资本经营预算Financial appropriation收入支出决算表

10. Financial allocation三公经费、行政参公单位机关运行Statement of appropriations

十一、General public budget financial allocations三公Statement of appropriations

Part Three  2023Annual department account statement

1. Statement of final income accounts

2. Description of the final accounts of expenditures 

三、General public budget financial allocations支出决算情况说明

4. Financial allocation三公Statement of final accounts of appropriation and expenditure

Part IV  其他重要事项及相关口径情况说明


2. The occupation of state-owned assets

3. Expenditure on government procurement

4. Self-evaluation of unit performance


6. Description of relevant caliber

Part V  Noun interpretation

Part one  单位概况

I. Main functions

(1) Main functions


(二)2023Annual key work tasks概述



3.The strength of scientific research disciplines has been steadily improved;







10.Strengthen the construction of professional and medical ethics。

Ii. Basic Information of the unit

(一)Mechanism setup



2. 医技科室8个:临床药理研究中心、药学部、制剂中心、检验科、放射科、病理科、功能科、超声医学科。

3. 医辅科室1个:病案统计科。

4. 行政后勤科室30个:党委办公室、院长办公室、宣传办、纪委办公室、审计科、人力资源办、绩效考核办、医务部\行风管理办公室、护理部、感控办、质控办、门诊办、法务部、科研部、医保办、财务科、资产管理办、招标采购办公室、保障服务部、保卫科、信息中心、工会、团委、离退休职工管理办、基建办、中医集团办、临床实践教学管理办、教学管理办、研究生管理办、学生管理办。


(2) Composition of final accounting units

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine作为二级预算单位纳入云南省卫生健康委员会2023Scope of annual department final accounts compilation and reporting。


Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine2023Actual staffing at the end of the year840人。Among them: administrative establishment0Personnel (including administrative work force establishment0People), career establishment840人(含参公管理事业编制0人);在职在编实有行政人员0People (including administrative staff0人),参照公务员法管理事业人员0People, not involved in public management personnel762人。

年末尚未移交养老保险基金发放养老金的离退休人员共计4People (retired4People, retired0人)。年末由养老保险基金发放养老金的离退休人员502People (retired0People, retired502人)。

Year-end other personnel801人。其中:General public budget financial allocations开支人员0人,政府性基金预算Financial appropriation开支人员0人。End-of-year student0人。Deceased at the end of the year1人。

Vehicle establishment15A car. There's actually a car on the books16辆。超编的原因是实有车辆中含2辆车辆管理所要求与车头分开落户的半挂拖车,实有车辆应为14,16License plate。

Part 2 2023Annual department statement(See annex for details)



Description: Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine2023年度无政府性基金收入,故《hg6686皇冠注册开户》为空表;无国有资本经营预算Financial appropriation收入,故《hg6686皇冠注册开户》为空表;无Financial appropriation“三公”经费、行政参公单位机关运行经费收入,故《hg6686皇冠注册开户》为空表;无General public budget financial allocations“三公”经费收入,故《hg888皇冠注册开户》为空表。


Part 3 2023Annual department account statement

1. Statement of final income accounts

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2023年度收入合计124190.27万元。其中:Financial appropriation收入21390.88万元,占总收入的17.22%;上级补助收入0.00万元,占总收入的0.00%;事业收入100987.76万元(含教育收费0.00万元),占总收入的81.32%;Operating income 0.00万元,占总收入的0.00%;Income to be handed over by affiliated units0.00万元,占总收入的0.00%;其他收入1811.630,000 yuan, accounting for 1. 1 percent of the total income.46%。与上年相比,收入合计增加6128.10,000 yuan, an increase of 5.19%。其中:Financial appropriation收入增加2786.$1 million, up 14.97%;Superior subsidy income 0.1 million yuan, unchanged from the previous year;事业收入增加3221.70,000 yuan, an increase of 3.29%;Operating income 0.1 million yuan, unchanged from the previous year;Income to be handed over by affiliated units0.1 million yuan, unchanged from the previous year;其他收入增加120.940,000 yuan, an increase of 7.15%。The main reason for the increase in income is: 1.Financial appropriation收入增加是因2023年增加了云南省国家中医疫病防治基地项目专项资金4232万元、2023年医疗服务与保障能力提升补助资金1582Wanet经费补助。2. 事业收入增长,医院主要的事业收入为医疗收入,医院近年来不断提升医疗服务能力,改善医疗服务结构,加大临床科室规范行医的指导及监督,随着医院业务量的增加,医疗收入也随之增加。

2. Description of the final accounts of expenditures

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2023年度支出合计126778.29万元。其中:基本支出111023.21万元,占总支出的87.57%;项目支出15755.07万元,占总支出的12.43%;Disbursements handed over to higher authorities 0.1 million yuan, accounting for 0. 0 of the total expenditure.00%;Operating expenditure 0.1 million yuan, accounting for 0. 0 of the total expenditure.00%;对附属单位补助支出0.1 million yuan, accounting for 0. 0 of the total expenditure.00%。与上年相比,支出合计增加14293.300,000 yuan, an increase of 12.71%。其中:基本支出增加12788.$1 million, up 13.02%;项目支出增加1505.310,000 yuan, an increase of 10.56%;Disbursements handed over to higher authorities 0.1 million yuan, unchanged from the previous year;经营支出0.1 million yuan, unchanged from the previous year;对附属单位补助支出0.1 million yuan, the same as the previous yearThe main reasons for the increase in expenditure are:Basic expenses because医院就诊人次增加,带来的运转支出同时增加,如药品消耗、卫生材料消耗、水、电等一般运转经费随之增加;项目支出是增加了云南省国家中医疫病防治基地项目支出4232万元、2023年医疗服务与保障能力提升补助资金1582Wanet。

(1) Basic expenditures

2023Annual coverYunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine单位机构正常运转的日常支出111023.21万元。其中:基本工资、津贴补贴等人员经费支出46661.95Ten thousand yuan, which accounts for the basic expenditure42.03%;办公费、印刷费、水电费、办公设备购置等公用经费64361.27万Yuan, which accounts for the basic expenditure57.97%。

(2) Project expenditure

2023Annual coverYunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine单位为完成特定的行政工作任务或事业发展目标,用于专项业务工作的经费支出15755.07万元。其中:基本建设类项目支出9393.76万元。具体项目开支及开展工作主要有:云南省国家中医疫病防治基地项目4232万元;2023年医疗服务与保障能力提升1582万元;省民族医医院项目省级补助资金4962万元;云南省中医院提升医疗服务能力项目经费895Wanet。

三、General public budget financial allocations支出决算情况说明

(一)General public budget financial allocations支出决算总体情况

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine2023年度General public budget financial allocations支出21390.88万,Total expenditure for the year16.87%。Increase compared with the previous year2786.$1 million, up 14.97%,主要原因是增加了云南省国家中医疫病防治基地项目支出4232万元、2023年医疗服务与保障能力提升补助资金1582Wanet。

(二)General public budget financial allocations支出决算具体情况       

1.General public service (category) expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

2.Foreign (category) expenditures0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

3.National defense (category) expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

4.Public safety (category) expenditures0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

5.Education (category) expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

6.Science and technology (category) expenditures446.28万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的2.09%。Be mainly used for2023年重点研发(社会发展)项目、2023Annual science and technology cooperation projects,2023年基础研究计划项目、第一批科技计划基础研究计划项目、第七批科技成果转化项目等;

7.文化旅游体育与传媒(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

8.社会保障和就业(类)支出46.35万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.22%Be mainly used for事业单位离退休经费等;

9.Health (category) expenditure20898.25万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的97.70%Be mainly used for云南省国家中医疫病防治基地项目、2023年医疗服务与保障能力提升项目、省民族医医院项目省级补助项目、云南省中医院提升医疗服务能力项目等;

10.Expenditure on energy conservation and environmental protection0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

11.Urban and rural community (category) expenditures0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

12.Expenditures for agriculture, forestry and water conservancy0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

13.Transportation (category) expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

14.资源勘探工业信息等(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

15.商业服务业等(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

16.Financial (category) expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

17.援助其他地区(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

18.自然资源海洋气象等(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

19.Housing security (category) expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

20.粮油物资储备(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

21.国有资本经营预算(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

22.灾害防治及应急管理(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

23.Other (categories) expenditures0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

24.Debt service expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

25.Debt service (category) expenditure0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

26.抗疫特别国债安排(类)支出0.00万元,占General public budget financial allocations总支出的0.00%

4. Financial allocation三公Statement of final accounts of appropriation and expenditure

2023Annual appropriation三公In the final accounts of expenditure,Financial appropriation三公经费Expenditures are budgeted at the beginning of the year0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00万Yuan, the completion of the budget at the beginning of the year0.00%。其中:Expenses for going abroad on businessExpenditures are budgeted at the beginning of the year0.00万Yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, accounting for the financial allocation三公In the final account of the total expenditure of funds0.00%Completed the budget at the beginning of the year0.00%Official car purchase expensesExpenditures are budgeted at the beginning of the year0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, accounting for the financial allocation三公In the final account of the total expenditure of funds0.00%Completed the budget at the beginning of the year0.00%Operation and maintenance of official vehiclesExpenditures are budgeted at the beginning of the year0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, accounting for the financial allocation三公In the final account of the total expenditure of funds0.00%Completed the budget at the beginning of the year0.00%Official reception expensesExpenditures are budgeted at the beginning of the year0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, accounting for the financial allocation三公In the final account of the total expenditure of funds0.00%Completed the budget at the beginning of the year0.00%,具体是国内接待费支出决算0.00万元(其中:外事接待费支出决算0.00万元),国(境)外接待费支出决算0.00万元。其中:

General public budget financial allocations三公General information on the final accounts of appropriation and expenditure

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine2023年度General public budget financial allocations三公经费支出年初Budgeted at0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is0.00Ten thousand yuan, completed年初estimated0.00%。其中:Expenses for going abroad on businessYear of expenditureBudgeted at0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, completed年初estimated0.00%Official car purchase expensesYear of expenditureBudgeted at0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, completed年初estimated0.00%Operation and maintenance of official vehiclesYear of expenditureBudgeted at0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, completed年初estimated0.00%Official reception expensesYear of expenditureBudgeted at0.00Ten thousand yuan, the final account is0.00Ten thousand yuan, completed年初estimated0.00%2023年度General public budget financial allocations三公Final accounts of appropriation and expenditure年初Budget alignment。

2023年度General public budget financial allocations三公Final accounts of appropriation expenditureFlat last year其中:Among them: going abroad for business (entry) fee支出决算The same as the previous year;Official car purchase expenses支出决算The same as the previous year;Operation and maintenance of official vehicles支出决算The same as the previous year;Final accounts of official reception expensesThe same as the previous year。

General public budget financial allocations三公经费支出实物量的具体情况

1.Arrange groups to go abroad on business0Individual, cumulative0人次。

2.Purchase a vehicle0辆。开支General public budget financial allocations的公务用车保有量为0辆。

3.Arrange domestic official receptions0Batch (among them: Foreign affairs reception0Batch), reception number0People (among them: foreign affairs reception0人)。Arrange foreign official receptions0Batch, reception0人。


Part IV  其他重要事项及相关口径情况说明


Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine2023Annual expenditure for the operation of government organs0.00万元,Flat last year

2. The occupation of state-owned assets

截至2023年末,Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineTotal assets108002.74Ten thousand yuan, of which, current assets43872.06Ten thousand yuan, fixed assets47287.37万元(净值),对外投资及有价证券0Ten thousand yuan, under construction1617.78Ten thousand yuan, intangible assets11373.65RMB (net worth), other assets3851.87万元(净值)(具体内容详见附表)与上年相比,本年Total assets增加18502.91Ten thousand yuan, of which fixed assets increased7443.49万元。Disposal of buildings0Square meters, original book value0Ten thousand yuan;Disposal vehicle0Car, book value0Ten thousand yuan;Scrap reported loss assets0Item, original book value0RMB 10,000 yuan, realize asset disposal income20.1Ten thousand yuan;Rental house643.91Square meters, original book value141.42万元,实现资产使用收入72.89万元(国有资产占有使用情况表详见附表)。



3. Expenditure on government procurement


4. Self-evaluation of unit performance


Attached Table 2: Performance self-evaluation form.xlsx




6. Description of relevant caliber


(二)机关运行经费指行政单位和参照公务员法管理的事业单位使用General public budget financial allocations安排的基本支出中的公用经费支出。

(三)按照党中央、国务院有关文件及部门预算管理有关规定,三公经费包括Expenses for going abroad on business、公务用车购置及运行维护费、Official reception expenses。Among them: going abroad for business (entry) fee,指单位公务出国(境)的国际旅费、国外城市间交通费、住宿费、伙食费、培训费、公杂费等支出;Official car purchase expenses,指公务用车购置支出(含车辆购置税、牌照费);Operation and maintenance of official vehicles,指单位按规定保留的公务用车燃料费、维修费、过桥过路费、保险费、安全奖励费用等支出;公务用车指用于履行公务的机动车辆,包括省部级干部专车、一般公务用车和执法执勤用车;Official reception expenses,指单位按规定开支的各类公务接待(含外宾接待)费用。Financial allocations disclosed in this article三公经费相关数据是一般公共预算、政府性基金及国有资本经营预算Financial appropriation支出的相关经费,不含非Financial appropriation部分。

(4) The financial appropriation referred to in this article三公经费决算数是指各部门(含下属单位)或单位当年通过本级Financial appropriation和以前Annual appropriation结转结余资金安排的Expenses for going abroad on business、公务用车购置及运行维护费和Official reception expenses支出数(包括基本支出和项目支出)。

Part V  Noun interpretation







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